The Colours Of A Croatian Summer

(Werbung/advertisement) Some places will captivate you with their snow-capped peaks, others will delight you with native animals that you don’t see at home, and then there are those that stay with you because of the fantastic food. Croatia may not be known for its mountains or its exotic wildlife, but there is something charming about [...]

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The Social Media Headache

When photography isn't fun anymore // Accompanied by some really old Instagram shots. If you were to ask me right this second whether landscape photography was my profession or my hobby I seriously wouldn’t know the answer. While I earn money with weddings or portraits, my landscape work doesn’t really pay my rent. Job? Maybe not. [...]

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A New Hiking Companion

(Werbung/advertisement) All photos were taken with the SIGMA fp (exception: the ones where you can see the wee little camera, obviously) The huts were all booked, the weather forecast had been filled with nothing but sunshine for days and we knew the route by heart. Five days, that’s how long we’d be hiking through the Alps [...]

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Sunrise And Sunset Magic

(Werbung, advertisement) It’s 4 o’clock in the morning. Outside it is still pitch black und the world is fast asleep. Not even the birds have begun to perform their daily morning concert. But what’s that? There’s that one crazy person, rubbing their eyes, yawning, after their alarm had just ripped them out of deep, beautiful dreams. [...]

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How a 50mm prime lens literally broadens your horizon

(Werbung/advertisement) Back in 2016 when I visited New Zealand for the third time a photographer’s worst nightmare came true: my camera broke. Now I could tell you all about how I was desperately standing in the dim light of dusk, weeping bitterly, surrounded by the most wonderful landscapes that I could no longer capture with my [...]

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