Best Friends In Lana

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) Let us dwell in Summer memories a wee while longer, shall we? We might be on the brink of Autumn here in Europe, but my mind still travels back to that sweet Summer time in Lana, so this is where I’m taking you with this blog entry. [...]

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Apples and chestnuts

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) As the leaves slowly began to turn and the air had already grown a wee bit cooler, we visited Lana region for the second time this year. We got up to so, so many things (well mostly eating our bodyweight in good food), it would take three [...]

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Hello Spring!

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) You wake up, the sun is gently falling through the curtains and dust is idly dancing in her beams. She warms your face and when you open your sleepy eyes you have to blink a few times to get used to the bright light. And it is [...]

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Where Time Passes More Slowly

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) Every time Philipp and me need to book a hotel one of us will ask „On a scale from 1 to Schwarzschmied – what’s the hotel like?“ And it’s a legitimate question once you’ve experienced the relaxing way of life in the family-run hotel in Lana, South Tyrol. The [...]

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Summer Time In Lana

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) The warm season invites you to spend your time outdoors. It’s a good thing there are a hundred different things you can do in Lana, South Tyrol to get the most out of a Summers day. Out of these 100 things I’m passing 9 on to you, which [...]

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Autumn Days In Lana

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) There’s Autumn and then there’s Autumn in Lana and once you have experienced it you will begin to wonder why you haven’t been travelling to South Tyrol every October for years. This year in early Spring I already got to spend three amazing days in Lana, a time [...]

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Lana In Three Days

(Werbung/advertisement as I was invited by Lana Tourism) At the end of March I got to spend three wonderful days in Lana, South Tyrol. This idyllic town in the Etsch Valley is a refuge to the traveller who seeks to wind down and wants to enjoy some peace and quiet, as well as the active, outdoorsy person [...]

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